Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Sabtu, 28 November 2009

♥ you

you what ???

i feel it together on my heart , i always want you in my day ..
i dont know why but its always come on my dream ♥

Minggu, 15 November 2009

eh aku punya sahabat ♥

when i was a student at junior highsch , i've a great wonderfull bff ever , we were always together at almost time , we share together all our problem, happiness , sadness, and private story
we named that "VESTAR"

sory i that look ike so ugly heheheehe , that from the past :)

the picture from our 1st grade on junior high hihihi

now we've not together again , because we've got the diffrent school , yeah of course me and my girls "vestar" so upset , bbut when we want to meet , we make a meeting at the mall (in order that top far from my house , but if can tht make me happy , why not?) hehehe

we' ve got a lot time to talk , an took pictures

when we met we cant make the whole wold shooke hahahahaha

Sabtu, 14 November 2009


tobat deh gue ga sekali lagi madol keputrian hahhhaaha ;P

kesialan di hari jumat tanggal 13 NOVEMBER 2009 :

  1. sepatu ilang

  2. dijemur ditengah lapangan , jam 12 teng

  3. dilemparin uang 100 perak

  4. di sorakin satu sekolah

  5. di liatin gebetan , mantan dan ade kelas

  6. tambah lagi dikasih peer nagapal ayat ama hadis yang panjangnya ga karuan , buseeeeeeetttt beneeeerr grrrrr ahahahahahahahaha

ga kuooooaaaaatttttt sayaaa wkwkwkwkwk >,<

Jumat, 13 November 2009

emmmm what the gorgeous ? ♥

yeayh , im so much headness to be a capten at ZEAL , but i wonder ..

i can't leave them alone , and prectice by them self :)

you are make me want to join to at that team yeah , i feel always want to cheer all the people tooo hihihi

is that gorgeous?

yeeeayhhh !! of course !! ;)

and here our costume :)

walcome to my world ;)

i'm so gladful i joined at this page :D

thx soooo my (a) & (r)

grrrr hahaha

i have a cheers team : the name was "zeal"

16 person inside the tem , and i am is

a capten ;)